Thinking on ventilation system design of wards in hospitals combined with peacetime and epidemic periods

Ding Yanrui, Liu Liying, Deng Xiaomei and Fu Xiangzhao


 In order to effectively deal with the outbreak of infectious diseases, future hospitals should take into account both peacetime and epidemic prevention functions. According to the conversion of medical function in the standard ward of general hospital in peacetime and epidemic periods, points out that the hospital ward should be respiratory healthy ventilation in peacetime and respiratory safety ventilation in epidemic periods. Analyses the differences and conversion requirements between respiratory health ventilation and respiratory safety ventilation, and discusses the design method of the ward ventilation system of the hospital combined with peacetime and epidemic periods to realize the conversion of healthy and safety functions, focusing on pressure requirements, ventilation demand, air distribution, ventilation system partition and form, pipeline design, unit selection and system control, so that a set of system can realize different ventilation requirements in peacetime and epidemic periods through operation switching or simple transformation.